RYOICHI KUROKAWA / subassemblies

Mutek, Théâtre Maisonneuve, Montreal, 2019 - Courtesy of MUTEK - Photo by Bruno Destombes

Mutek, Théâtre Maisonneuve, Montreal, 2019 – Courtesy of MUTEK – Photo by Bruno Destombes


Friday 3 May 2024
9 PM


XNL Piacenza,
Via Santa Franca, 36


In occasione dell’inaugurazione di XNL Musica con il Dipartimento di Musica Elettronica e Jazz del Conservatorio G.Nicolini, il progetto audiovisuale dell’artista giapponese pioniere dell’arte generata con le nuove tecnologie incentrato sul rapporto tra natura e manufatti umani.

Venerdì 3 maggio 2024 – ore 21


Ore 18:30 / Presentazione degli spazi e del progetto, con taglio del nastro e brindisi inaugurale

Ore 20:30 / Proiezione del videomapping sonoro a cura del Dipartimento di Musica Elettronica del Conservatorio

Ore 20:40 / Apertura sala

Ore 21:00 / esibizione dell’artista

RYOICHI KUROKAWA / subassemblies

Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione.

“s.asmbli / subassemblies” is a project which pursues the relationship between nature and human-made through a perspective of architectural scale. This is translated in different presentation formats such as a concert piece, multiscreen installations, prints, VR and a screening version.

Main sources of this project are 3d data by laser scanning of human-made architecture, ruins and nature, and those are distorted and reconstructed into each modules as subassemblies to create renewed timeline with layers of order and disorder while exposing force of both nature and art.

Ruins, nature-invaded buildings and architectures in disrepair are superimposed and rebuild dynamically, and those unusualities rendered in multi-layered depth extends the perception of floating not only between nature and human-made, but also between abstract and concrete phenomena through its transition, destruction and renaturation. The motions such as cancellation of physical law, hybrid of natural and artificial components, and transposition of entropy and negentropy enhance those unusualities.

Concert version ”subassemblies” is composed of single screen, surround lighting and 4.1ch sound system. Installation “re-assembli” is developed by re-plotting materials and build into space with multi-screen and 4.1ch sound. “in s.asmbli” is developed as alternative rendering as 360 VR/Dome-projection pieces and “s.asmbli [ wall ]” is another immersive cube projection with quadraphonic installation.

Ryoichi Kurokawa (Osaka, 1978) è un artista audiovisivo giapponese considerato un pioniere nell’ambito della musica e dell’arte generata attraverso l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie. Pluripremiato musicista, performer e artista visuale, le sue opere sono state presentate in festival e centri d’arte internazionali, dal Pompidou e Palais de Tokyo a Parigi al FACT di Liverpool, dalla Biennale di Venezia al Sónar di Barcellona, poi alla Transmediale di Berlino, alla Tate Modern di Londra e in molti altri contesti internazionali.